A blog, sure and simple.
But I don't like blogs, I don't read them, or to phrase it more correctly: I avoid them.
It's my son. Ever since I started Sonrise sessions with him, I've picked up a lot of habits I previously branded as "Not For Me". I should have thought "What have I started" when I gave birth. Or maybe even a little before that.
Former bookworm became an avid film fan, has a youtube account and now starts her own blog. Talking about life being a journey, not a guided tour!
The plan is to post weekly, somewhere at the end of the week, but I already have an overloaded schedule: single mother, sharing her house with a 13 year old and with a mother who has Alzheimer. She's my "second child, 73 years old".
And pretty soon, I'll be a working mom as well, 24 hours per week. That doesn't sound like much, but please add 1:15 h. traveling time between house and the office. That's just the single ticket. I'd like to go home at night as well.
The post will be written BY someone with Sensory Processing Disorder -me- , but it won't always be the subject. There's more to life, right?
I hope you are interested and check out my blog regularly. Remember: it's not a 'show case' for finished artwork. it's more like a studio, I may change old posts a little, post drafts, add or delete pictures .... just as I see fit.
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