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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Tiny Prophet

He doesn't  talk much.  Which is quite odd for a three year old who is discovering the world.
Neither does he stick things in his mouth and is a picky eater.... He relies mostly on what he sees and next on what he hears. Those are the entrances of the world to this little boy.
Trains are his passion. That's why his mother buys him magazines about trains and model railroading. She's familiar with this, because her father and brother share her son's love for the -friendly- iron dragon.
He likes looking at the magazine's photos with her and listens intently to what she reads and explains. Like why there is no coffee being served in trains or about that beautiful green train -model 'plan T'-  which is called 'the Future'. His mother says he can't ride in it, he can  only see it in a museum.

She may be a bit older now, but she's definitely still 'with it'. Look at her, she goes to Amsterdam on her own. Taking train and tram.
She finds herself a seat, right across a woman with a toddler. An odly looking pair, the pale gray eyed mother and her dark haired son. With such serious dark brown eyes. But she can make this little fellow smile. She is really good in dealing with kids. 
As the train has left the station she breaks the ice. She smiles down at the little boy, lifts her index finger like a teacher would and says. "Isn't it nice, we're on a train." The mother averts her eyes, looks out the window. But she's got the boy's attention. "Do you know what the train says?" Shyly the boy smiles back at her. 
"The train says tsjookah tsjookah tsjoo,"  she explains and nods to stress the importance of her words.
The boy's eyes narrow as he looks straight into her eyes. He's not smiling, just dead calm. "Ma'am. The future doesn't exist anymore."

She gasps with surprise, looks around her for help. Not getting it from the mother who is clamping her mouth shut. She misses out on the twitching of its corners.
She moves to the edge of her seat. As the train reaches Amsterdam, she sighs relieved as she gets up.  "I have to get out here." she explains to no one in particular. And softer "Thank God."

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