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Monday, May 14, 2012

Let Go

Here are a few lines that are not from me. I feel I should pass them on, so they can inspire more people.

Firstly I like what Barry Neil Kaufman has said, in relation to his program "Parenting Solution".   The three things a parent should do, are:

Let Go
And under my breath I always add...  
Leave the Gate open  
so your children know they are always welcome to return for a bit more...

Is Letting Go not a way to love someone?  Just as I like to  [try to]  let go of my butterfly friends?

Letting Go

Letting Go doesn't mean that you stop loving
It's recognizing you can't perform your loved one's task

Letting Go isn't shutting yourself up
It means realizing you can't control the other

Letting Go is refraining from manipulation
Allowing things to happen by themselves 

Letting Go is no longer fighting your lack of power
And accepting the outcome doesn't lie in your hands

Letting Go is not trying to change or blame the other,
And trying to make the most of it for yourself

Letting Go is caring about
instead of caring for

Letting Go is lending a hand
instead of taking things out off someone's hands

Letting Go is not passing judgement
And allowing the other to be himself

Letting Go is not enforcing a commitment
It's accepting the other must go his own way

Letting Go is to refrain from protecting
So the other can learn to deal with reality

Letting Go is admitting you can't shape other people's lives
and can only live up to your own potential instead.

Letting Go is having less fears 
and giving so much more of your love

I have translated  these lines myself, because I have only ever seen them in dutch. I never found out who the author is. If anyone knows...  please let me know. Add a comment or check out my email address in my profile.

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